Giving is an Act of Worship
Here at Osborne we believe that God is the great giver! For God so loved that world that he GAVE His only begotten Son. His love compelled Him to give; so too, our love for God compels us to be givers. Scripture teaches that we love because He first loved us, so too we give because He first gave to us. Every good and perfect gift comes from our giving Heavenly Father and we find it a joy to become like Him and give.
"Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
2 Corinthians 9:7
Ways To Give
Through our website and app you can create an account to make giving quick, simple, and easy. There are transaction fees through this method, and you have the choice to include those fees in your gift.
In Person
During every service you have an opportunity to give. Please fill out the envelope from the pew in front of you and place your tithe and offering inside. During worship or after service you can place your offering in the white pillar at the front of the sanctuary.
Through Your Bank
Most banks allow online or mail bill pay through their systems. This works especially well for weekly or monthly giving with no transaction fee.
Through Mail
Please make checks out to Osborne Church and mail anytime to:
13501 Osborne St. Arleta, CA 91331.
13501 Osborne St. Arleta, CA 91331.
Where does your giving go?
Our founding pastor, Jack Stiles wove his heart for the mission field into every aspect of this church. We have pledged to send at minimum 10% of the churches income to 20 different missionaries around the world. We are a sending church and regularly send off our young people into short term missions trips. We value the need for both short-term and long-term missionaries to fulfill Jesus’ great commission to “go and make disciples of all nations” from Matthew 28:19.
Church Staff
Most of our staff is bi-vocational as we follow Paul’s example in being a “tent-maker” as he fulfilled his call to ministry (Acts 18 & 20). We value 1 Timothy 5:18 “a worker is worth their pay” and over the last few years have been able to increase our payroll totals as the Lord has blessed our finances. Thank you for helping keep bread on the table for our staff and their families.
Ministries & Facilities
Every ministry that takes place here is directly supported by your generous giving. Each child that receives a snack or craft, each youth that enjoys a crazy activity, each men and women’s event, and each family that goes through our food pantry is blessed because you gave. What a joy it will be when we all get to heaven to see how our money invested into this church has blessed so many.
We make the most use out of every penny of the money you give. Most of what you give is put right back into advancing the gospel and meeting the needs of our community. However, as good fiscal stewards, we don’t operate our budget with debt. Our fiduciary board has established a savings account with several months of operational reserves as well designated monies set aside for future projects. Praise God we are debt free and prepared for the future.
Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this,” Says the Lord of hosts, “If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.
Malachi 3:10 NKJV